Lailo Farm Sanctuary

Location: Lower Canard, Nova Scotia, Canada

Our Mission:

To provide refuge to animals in need and promote compassion for all.

We do this by:

  • Providing a permanent home for farm animals in need 

  • Rehoming suitable animals to carefully screened, exceptional homes

  • Educating the public and sharing stories about the animals in our care

Our Vision:

A Home for Animals: We offer sanctuary to as many rescued or surrendered farm animals as possible, but due to the sanctuary’s limited capacity, we also find suitable, loving homes for animals within the community.

A Place for Education: We currently offer limited visits to the sanctuary to regular sponsors and donors, as well as small school and community groups. Our vision is to become a centre where people come to connect with farm animals and learn to see them as individuals rather than commodities. 

A Community for Compassion: We hope that Lailo Farm Sanctuary can serve as a place for those wanting to connect with animals and other like-minded compassionate people (e.g. through volunteering or special events).. 

Meet Some Of The Residents Of
Lailo Farm Sanctuary​:



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